Friday, March 19, 2010

Meanings In Religion (Part 2 of 4)

  1. Illuminism - Wikipedia is a belief system whereby a believer makes a claim that he has been illuminated or experienced enlightenment of a spiritual nature.

  • It is an archaic term deriving from the French illuminer. The term has been used in modern times primarily with respect to and by secret societies, for the most part, orders that have modeled their practices after the mystery cults of the Hellenic world, which flourished around the Mediterranean coast and Near East at the period when the Roman Empire dominated the region and its cultures. The word Illuminism, when used as a proper noun, refers specifically to the form of enlightenment or illumination that is a part of advancement in the ranks of various secret societies that claim a common origin with the Illuminati. As such it is an important concept within Discordianism as well.

  1. Light (theology) - Wikipedia. In theology, light or divine light is a term used to refer to an aspect of divine presence, specifically an unknown and mysterious ability of God, angels, or human beings to express themselves communicatively through spiritual means, rather than through physical capacities. In this concept, "light" can carry the full range of divine or else human-understandable concepts ranging from pure emotion up to the precise concepts and conceptualizations.

  1. Mysticism - Wikipedia (from the Greek μυστικός, mystikos, an initiate of a mystery religion)[1] is the pursuit of communion with, identity with, or conscious awareness of an ultimate reality, divinity, spiritual truth, or God through direct experience, intuition, instinct or insight. Mysticism usually centers on a practice or practices intended to nurture those experiences or awareness. Mysticism may be dualistic, maintaining a distinction between the self and the divine, or may be nondualistic. Differing religious traditions have described this fundamental mystical experience in different ways.


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