The start of a further examination of belief, enlightenment, philosophy, religion and spirituality.
A big topic? ... Yes!
Some would say that it is beyond the scope of this author's experience or training. Yet, we all start as small beings; and, we learn. Now, at age 65 years, I'm well along the way of experiencing the rich tapestry of life; and death. Yes, I do ask the BIG QUESTIONS; always have, always will.
And why not? Is there a God (Higher Power) – 84% of the world's population seems to think, YES!; and only 16% say that they are nonreligious. (See, Major Religions of the WorldRanked by Number of Adherents here, and following):
(Sizes shown are approximate estimates, and are here mainly for the purpose of ordering the groups, not providing a definitive number. This list is sociological/statistical in perspective.)
The counts presented in the list below are current estimates of the number of people who have at least a minimal level of self-identification as adherents of the religion. Levels of participation vary within all groups. These numbers tend toward the high end of reasonable worldwide estimates. Valid arguments can be made for different figures, but if the same criteria are used for all groups, the relative order should be the same. Further details and sources are available below and in the main database.”
Christianity: 2.1 billion
Islam: 1.5 billion
Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion
Hinduism: 900 million
Chinese traditional religion: 394 million
Buddhism: 376 million
primal-indigenous: 300 million
African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million
Sikhism: 23 million
Juche: 19 million
Spiritism: 15 million
Judaism: 14 million
Baha'i: 7 million
Jainism: 4.2 million
Shinto: 4 million
Cao Dai: 4 million
Zoroastrianism: 2.6 million
Tenrikyo: 2 million
Neo-Paganism: 1 million
Unitarian-Universalism: 800 thousand
Rastafarianism: 600 thousand
Scientology: 500 thousand
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